As with other theories we have to define a set terms and the rules used to relate pairs terms between them.

Lambda terms

Let \(\nu\) be a infinite countable set of variables \(\nu = \{ x, y, z, ... \}\). The set of valid lamdba terms \(\Lambda\) is a super set of \(\nu\) defined by the following induction rules :

\[\begin{align} & x \in \nu \Rightarrow x \in \Lambda \\ & s, t \in \Lambda \Rightarrow st \in \Lambda \\ & x \in \nu\ and\ s \in \Lambda \Rightarrow \lambda x.s \in \Lambda \end{align}\]

Some examples of lambda terms : \(\quad x\), \(\ xyz\), \(\ \lambda x.yz\)


Lambda terms with no free variables are called combinators or “closed terms”.
The set of all combinators is written \(\Lambda^0\)

\[\begin{align} & i = \lambda x.x \quad (identity)\\ & t = k = \lambda xy.x \quad \mbox{(discard second argument, true combinator)}\\ & f = \lambda xy.y \quad \mbox{(discard first argument, false combinator)}\\ & \Omega = (\lambda x.xx)(\lambda x.xx)\\ & s = \lambda xyz.xz(yz)\\ & c_n = \lambda fx.f(f(...(fx)...)) = \lambda fx.f^nx \quad \mbox{(Church numerals)} \end{align}\]

Relationships between lambda terms

There are 2 types of relation between terms : identity (notation : \(\equiv\)) and equality (notation : \(=\))

Examples : \(\quad I \equiv \lambda x.x \equiv \lambda y.y \quad\) \(\lambda xyz.xxzy \equiv \lambda abc.aacb\)

\[\begin{align} & (\lambda x.s)X \xrightarrow[\beta]{} s[x := X] \qquad \mbox{all occurences of 'x' in s have been replaced by 'X'} \end{align}\]

Examples : \(\quad (\lambda x.x)s \xrightarrow[\beta]{} s\), \(\ (\lambda xyz.xz(yz))abc \xrightarrow[\beta]{} ac(bc)\), \(\ \Omega \xrightarrow[\beta]{} \Omega\)

\[\begin{align} & \forall s \in \Lambda \Rightarrow s = s \\ & s = t \Leftrightarrow t = s \\ & s = t\ and\ v \in \Lambda \Rightarrow sv = tv\ or\ vs = vt \\ & s = t\ and\ t = v \Rightarrow s = v \\ & s = t \Rightarrow \lambda x.s = \lambda x.t \end{align}\] \[\forall s \in \Lambda\ and\ x \notin FV(s) \Rightarrow \lambda = s\]

Weak/Head/Normal forms for \(\lambda\) terms

Example : \(\quad \lambda,\ (\lambda xz.xx)y\)

Example : \(\quad x,\ xyz,\ \lambda x.xx\)

Example : \(\quad \lambda x.xx,\ \lambda x.x(\lambda y.y)\)

Example Head: \(\quad (\lambda x.xx)y\\) the head term is \(\lambda x.xx\)
Example Head: \(\quad xxy\\) the head term is \(x\)
Example WNHF: \(\quad \lambda x.(\lambda y.y)x,\ \lambda xy.x(iy)\)

Grammar construction rules for NF

Example : \(\quad \lambda x.x(\lambda y.y)\\) can be decomposed using the rules \(\quad \lambda x.N_F \to xN_F \to \lambda x.N_F \to x\)

Normalization strategies

Normal : \(\quad \lambda x.x\),\ \(\ x(\lambda y.yy)z\\) (application from left to right)
Normalizable : \(\quad (\lambda xy.y)\Omega \twoheadrightarrow \lambda y.y\) (but not strongly normalizable)
Strong normalizable : \(\quad [\lambda x.(\lambda y.y)x]z \twoheadrightarrow z\)

\(i(x\Omega) \twoheadrightarrow x\Omega\quad\) is not normalizable but is head normalizable
\(ki\Omega \twoheadrightarrow i\quad\) is a normalizable but not head normalizable

Important theorems

Example : \(\quad (\lambda xy.xy)zz = (\lambda y.zy)z = zz\)

Example : \(\quad with\ c_1 = \lambda uv.uv \quad (\lambda x.c_1c_1x)y = (\lambda x.c_1x)y\ or\ c_1c_1y \quad \mbox{but at the end ... } = \lambda\)

\[\begin{array} & s & \ & \ & \ & u_2 & \ & u _ {n-1} & \ & \ & \ & t \\ & \searrow & \ & \swarrow & \ & ... & \ & \searrow & \ & \swarrow & \ \\ & \ & u_1 & \ & \ & \ & \ & \ & u_n & \ & \ \end{array}\]

Reduction strategy OK : \((\lambda xyz.z)\Omega\Omega \twoheadrightarrow _ {left} \lambda z.z\)
Reduction strategy KO : \(\omega = \lambda \quad \omega\omega \rightarrow _ {left} \omega\omega\omega \twoheadrightarrow _ {left} \omega^n\)

Lambda calculus can express all computable functions

We can express multiplication by 2 using : \(\quad T _ {2x} = \lambda xuv.xu(xuv)\)
Example : \(\quad T _ {2x} . c_2 = \lambda uv.c_2u(c_2uv) = \lambda uv.(\lambda x.u^2x)(u^2v) = \lambda uv.u^4v = c_4\)

Proof : Let A and B be 2 partitions of \(\Lambda\) defined as follows :

\[\begin{align} & a \in A \Leftrightarrow a = \lambda x.x = i \\ & b \in B \Leftrightarrow b \neq i \end{align}\]

We have \(i \in A\ and\ \Omega \in B\), suppose there exists a term f with the following property :

\[\begin{align} & \forall a \in A \quad fa = \lambda xy.y \\ & \forall b \in B \quad fb = \lambda xy.x \end{align}\]

We then define g as follows : \(g = \lambda x.(fx)i\Omega\\), by the fixed point theorem we have :

\[\begin{align} & \exists\ u \in \Lambda \quad gu = u = (fu)i\Omega \\ & u \in A \quad \Rightarrow \quad fu = \lambda xy.y \quad \Rightarrow \quad u = \Omega \Rightarrow u \in B \\ & u \in B \quad \Rightarrow \quad fu = \lambda xy.x \quad \Rightarrow \quad u = i \Rightarrow u \in A \\ \end{align}\]


Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Andrew D. Ker
Introduction to Lambda Calculus, Henk Barendregt and Erik Barendsen