I have been developing windows small services and wcf servers in C# for a year. Here are some of the high and low points for me :


  public void RunInsideNewAppDomain(string domainConfig, string domainAssembly, string domainType) {
      AppDomainSetup newDomSetup = new AppDomainSetup();
      newDomSetup.ApplicationBase = // ...
      newDomSetup.ConfigurationFile = domainConfig;
      // Enables assemblies that are used in the app domain to be updated without unloading the app domain
      newDomSetup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";

      var newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AppDomainName");
      // Creates a real instance in the new app domain and returns a proxy that forwards calls to the real object
      // Make sure domainType extends MarshalByRefObject
      var proxy = (SomeIf)newDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(domainAssembly, domainType);

  public void TestRoutineUsingFilesystem() {
      // Method override will take place inside this scope only
      using (ShimsContext.Create()) {
          // Mock static method calls in 3rd party assemblies
          ShimFile.CopyStringString = (src, dest) => { ... }
  # Backtick as new line escape : why ?
  Get-EventLog                                            `
    -ComputerName "hostname"                              `
    -logname "Application"                                `
    -after  (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)                       `
    -before (Get-Date)                                    `
    -entrytype "Error,Warning"                            `
    | format-list EntryType,Source,TimeGenerated,Message
  public void CreateSqlSchemaScriptForNewTables () {
      var dbhost = new Server("machine");
      var db = dbhost.Databases["db_name"];

      var resultScripts = new List<StringCollection>();
      var options = new ScriptingOptions();

      options.WithDependencies = false;
      options.ScriptData = false;
      options.IncludeIfNotExists = true;

      foreach (Table tb in db.Tables) {
          if (tb.DateLastModified >= Datetime.Now.AddDays(-1))
              resultScripts.Add( tb.Script(options);


    # Roughly the equivalent of "find -mtime '-1'"
    $date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-24);

    # get-childitem return objects so we can use predicates on them
    get-childitem -Recurse -Force                                          `
    | where {($_.CreationDate -gt $date) -or ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $date)} `
    | select {$_.FullName};
    # We can use the .NET reflection API to get assembly metadata
    [reflection.assemblyname]::GetAssemblyName("stuff.dll")                 `
        | format-list FullName, ProcessorArchitecture, CodeBase
    [reflection.assembly]::LoadFrom("stuff.dll")                            `
        | format-list EntryPoint, GlobalAssemblyCache, ImageRuntimeVersion
    [diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("stuff.dll")              `
        | format-list CompanyName, FileVersion, ProductVersion, Language


  public class DessertConfigSection : ConfigurationSection {
      public DessertList DessertDefinitions
          get { return (DessertList)this["desserts"];  }
          set { this["desserts"] = value; }

  public class DessertList : ConfigurationElementCollection {
      protected DessertList() {
          AddElementName = "add_dessert";
      protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement() {
          return new DessertDefinition();
      protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element) {
          return ((DessertDefinition) element).Name;

  public class DessertDefinition : ConfigurationElement {
      public String Name {
          get { return (String)this["name"]; }
          set { this["name"] = value; }
      public String Taste {
          get { return (DateTime)this["taste"]; }
          set { this["taste"] = value; }
      <section name="sweets" type="DessertConfigSection"/>

          <add_dessert name="BananaSplit"   taste="yummy"/>
          <add_dessert name="BananaFlambee" taste="oh yeah"/>


What’s the deal with logs ?!

That which shall not be named

Let’s just say that you better not hope to get a terminal emulator equivalent (at least before windows server 2016)