The better way to describe the definition of different kinds of classes is to draw their subsets on the space of all possible c++ classes. A good textual description can be found here


Characteristics of each set of classes


Behaves as any numerical type : you can default construct, copy and compare it.

  // The empty class with the == operator defined is a POD and regular type.
  struct RegularEmpty { 
      bool operator == (const RegularEmpty&) const {}

  // If user provides all needed constructors and operator overrides, then there are not limitations on the members
  // of the class
  struct RegularFullCustom : public ABaseClass { 
      RegularFullCustom() {}
      RegularFullCustom(const RegularFullCustom&) {}
      RegularFullCustom(RegularFullCustom&&) {}

      RegularFullCustom& operator = (const RegularFullCustom&) {}
      RegularFullCustom& operator = (RegularFullCustom&&) {}
      bool operator == (const RegularFullCustom&) const {}

      virtual void someMethod() {}


  struct Trivial { 
      Trivial() = default;
      // Trivial classes can contain user defined constructors that are not copy/move/default
      Trivial(const std::string&) {}

  struct Trivial_2 { 
      Trivial() = default;
      // The definiion says that a trivial class does **not contain non-trivial** copy constructors
      // which means you can delete them
      Trivial_2(const Trivial_2&) = delete;

Standard layout

  struct StdLayout_1 { 
      int m_i;

  struct StdLayout_2 : StdLayout_1 {};

  // Only ONE class in the inheritance tree can have members
  struct NotStdLayout_1 : StdLayout_1 {
    float m_f;


Can be brace-list initialized.

  struct NotAggregate { 
      NotAggregate() {}

  struct Aggregate { 
      int m_i;
      // Aggregate CAN contain not aggregate classes
      NotAggregate m_notagg;


Literal types can be initialized inline in static constexpr members.

  // Any aggregate and trivially copyable type is literal
  struct Literal_1 {
      NotAggregate m_field;

  // You can have virtual functions, private members ... as long as you provide a constexpr constructor
  struct Literal_2 { 
      constexpr Literal_2() : m_i(0) {}
      int m_i;
      virtual void breaks_most_sets() {}

Intersections of several sets

Plain old data = std layout & trivial

These types can be used for serialization/deserialization across process and different languages.

Example of intersections

  struct DifAccessCtrl { 
      int m_i;
      float m_f;

  // This is a rare example of an aggregate which is trivial but NOT standard layout
  struct AggAndTrivial {
      DifAccessCtrl m_fld;

  // This class has all properties : Aggregate, Trvial, Std Layout, Regular, Literal
  struct OmniClass { 
      int m_i;
      // Basically any POD with a comparison operator is a regular type
      bool operator == (const OmniClass&) {}

  struct AggAndStdLayout { 
      int m_i;
      ~AggAndStdLayout() {}