This is a mix of Lewis and Fowler article and my own experience on microservices.

Services Vs Monoliths

Monolith (Cons) Services (Pros)
Build and deploy the whole application after any change Build and deploy only affected components
Slow release cycle to integrate all code in monolith Faster and uncorrelated releases of smaller services
Built using a single stack Each service can use its own stack (ex: language)
Scale by deploying multiple copies of the monolith Scale by deploying only many instances of bottle neck services
Programming interface to separate components Service contracts to separate components (better isolation)
Monolith (Pros) Services (Cons)
Simple to deploy and need few infrastructure Complex to deploy and relies on infrastructure (service routing, application containers …)
Allow fine grained coop between components (call overhead low) Coarsed grained collaboration between services (network latency)
Consistent versioning between components (more predictable interactions) Business flows got through different services and versions (many untested interactions)

SOA Vs Micro services

Service Oriented Architecture Microservices
More strict contracts (ex: based on webservices) Contracts designed to be easily changed (tolerant reader pattern, ex: adding optional fields to protocol buffer)
Orchestration delegated to service Bus Services decide on their dependencies
N/A Heavy user of virtualisation and container technologies

Dumb pipes and Smart end-points ?!

I think there are a number of advanced features any service bus should have.

Some other can be implemented as services.

Technical architecture should be a mirror of human organisation

Services are a way to break Conway adage : “Large systems designed by companies will mirror their communication structures”

Stack layers Team organisation
Decentralized source control and data stores Release when you are ready, do not wait for the rest of the company
Full stack (presentation/backend/database) Less team involved (more agility) to develop new features. Team are dedicated to a business product, not a layer of the system
Release and deploy automation You build it, you run it. Developers get experience on operation constraints

Concept map
