Short survey on the different ways asynchronous computation is implemented in python, csharp and javascript (before ECMA 8th edition).

  Python Csharp
Threading mono threaded
You can use an Executor to delegate work to other threads/processes
most often backed by the thread pool
(configurable via SynchronizationContext and TaskScheduler)
Blocking calls / races No race conditions
only one task is executing at any given time on the event loop thread
Blocking in a task will only block 1 thread in the pool
if the same task is submitted several times there can be race conditions
Event loop / Scheduler Explicit start, schedule and stop the event loop Just call Task.Run
Futures vs Tasks Task: wrapper around a coroutine to schedule it to an event loop
Future: something you can await
No difference, there is only Task
Coroutine control flow Instanciating a coroutine does not start its execution, you have to await Calling an async function will run it synchronously until the first await
Cancellation Just cancel the task and the next await will raise a cancel exception Explicitely pass a CancellationToken along the call chain

Comparison of a simple application

Here is the implementation of a basic http ping program that asynchronously retrieves the HEAD of various domains. It has both sequential and asynchronous ping as illustrated here :

       / (ping ---> (ping\
      /                                          \
(start)                                           (join)
      \                                          /
       \ (ping ---> (ping /

Python (asyncio streams)

  def main():
    with stopwatch() as elapsed:
      loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
      times = loop.run_until_complete(parallel_http_ping_sites())
    print("Real time: %f\nTime per site: %r\nTotal time: %f" 
          % (elapsed[0], times, sum(v for v in times.values())) )

  async def parallel_http_ping_sites():
    f1 = sequentially_http_ping_sites('', '')
    f2 = sequentially_http_ping_sites('', '')
    done,pending = await asyncio.wait([f1, f2])

    times = {}
    for fut in done:
      times.update( fut.result() )
    return times

  async def sequentially_http_ping_sites(*args):
    times = {}
    for arg in args:
      with stopwatch() as elapsed:
        await single_site_http_ping(arg)
      times[arg] = elapsed[0]
    return times

  async def single_site_http_ping(host):
    reader,writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, 80)
    http_head = 'HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n' % host
    response = await

  def stopwatch():
    result = [time.perf_counter()]
    yield result
    result[0] = time.perf_counter() - result[0] 


You’ve done it again C#, implementation is even simpler than python because you do not have to care about the event loop boilerplate.

  public class HttpPingTest {
      public static HttpClient s_client = new HttpClient();

      public static void Main() {
          Stopwatch chrono = Stopwatch.StartNew();
          // No need for boiler plate, just block this thread after it has scheduled all the child tasks
          var times = parallel_http_ping_sites().Result;
          Console.WriteLine("Real time : {0}\nTime per site : {1}\nTotal time : {2}",
              String.Join(", ", times.Select(kv => kv.Key + ":" + kv.Value.ToString())),
              times.Aggregate(new TimeSpan(), (acc, kv) => acc + kv.Value) );
      public static async Task<IDictionary<String, TimeSpan>> parallel_http_ping_sites () {
          var t1 = sequentially_http_ping_sites("", "");
          var t2 = sequentially_http_ping_sites("", "");
          // here the main thread will wait for all pings to finish
          var all = await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
          return all.SelectMany(times => times).ToDictionary(kv=>kv.Key, kv=>kv.Value);

      public static async Task<IDictionary<String, TimeSpan>> sequentially_http_ping_sites (params string[] hosts) {
          var times = new Dictionary<String, TimeSpan>();
          Stopwatch chrono = Stopwatch.StartNew();
          foreach(var host in hosts) {
              await single_site_http_ping(host);
              times[host] = chrono.Elapsed;
          return times;

      public static async Task single_site_http_ping (string host) {
          var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, $"http://{host}");
          var response = await s_client.SendAsync(request);
          var str = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
  } // HttpPingTest

Javascript (chaining promises)

The complexity compared to python and C# has really gone through the roof (considering this is a simple task)

  function main() {
      var real_time =;
      parallel_http_ping_sites().then( function(results) {
          times = StopWatch.merge_times(results);
          real_time = - real_time;
          print_results(real_time, times);
      .catch( function (error) {
          // The following will not propagate any exception (it will just add another failed promise to the chain
          // throw error;
          // This works because we throw inside a callback on the event loop (but no call stack)
          setImmediate(function() { throw error; });
      // In node.js we do not need to wait for the event loop, the process will end once there is nothing more to do

  function parallel_http_ping_sites () {
      var p1 = sequentially_http_ping_sites('', '');
      var p2 = sequentially_http_ping_sites('', '');
      return Promise.all([p1, p2]);

  function sequentially_http_ping_sites () {
      var hosts =;
      var times = new StopWatch();
      // Start chain with a resolved promise, it value will be discarted
      var promise_chain = Promise.resolve(null);

      for(var index in hosts) {
          var host = hosts[index];
          promise_chain = promise_chain
              .then( times.onStart(host) )
              .then( single_site_http_ping.bind(null, host) )
              .then( times.onStop(host) )
      // Finish promise chain returning the timing information of the previous calls
      return promise_chain.then( function() { return times; } );

  function single_site_http_ping (host) {
      // Transform the http.request callback api to the promise of a http response
      var response = new Promise( function(accept, reject) {
          var options = {
              'host' : host,
              'method' : 'HEAD'
          var request = Http.request(options, accept);
          request.on('error', reject);
      // Returning a pending promise on the `then` handler will create a proxy for it in consume_response
      // Equivalent to awaiting the result of an already synchronous operation
      var consume_response = response.then( function(response) {
          return new Promise( function(accept, reject) {
              response.on('data', function() { /*discard*/ });
              response.on('error', reject);
              response.on('end', function() { accept(response.headers); });
      return consume_response;

  function print_results(real_time, times) {
      var m = times.measures;
      var keys = Object.keys(m);
      console.log('Real time : ' + real_time
          + "\nTime per site : " + JSON.stringify(m)
          + "\nTotal time : "    + keys.reduce( function(acc, k) { return acc + m[k]; }, 0)

  function StopWatch() { this.measures = {}; } = function() {
      var now = process.hrtime();
      return Math.round(now[0] * 1000 + now[1] / 1000000);

  StopWatch.merge_times = function(sw_list) {
      var result = new StopWatch();
      for(var index in sw_list)
          for (var m in sw_list[index].measures) 
              result.measures[m] = sw_list[index].measures[m];
      return result;

  StopWatch.prototype.onStart = function(tag) {
      var me = this.measures;
      return function() { me[tag] =; }

  StopWatch.prototype.onStop = function(tag) {
      var me = this.measures;
      return function() { me[tag] = - me[tag]; }

Dummy event loop implementation using yield from

  def main():
    tasks = [ outer_async(1), another_outer_async(2) ]
    # run the 2 tasks asynchronously and return once all done
  def dummy_event_loop(tasks):
    futures = [ next(t) for t in tasks ]
    actives = [ True for t in tasks ]
    indexes = range( len(tasks) )

    # the event loop iterates until all tasks have raised a StopIteration
    while any(actives):
      print("----- event loop iteration ------")

      for active,task,future,index in zip(actives,tasks,futures,indexes):
        if not active: continue
        # to make things simple, futures return immediately
        res = future.wait()
        try: futures[index] = task.send(res)
        except StopIteration: actives[index] = False

  def outer_async(wid):
    print("start outer_async", wid)
    res = yield from inner_async(wid)
    print("end outer_async %r : %s" % (wid,res))

  def another_outer_async(wid):
    print("start another outer_async", wid)
    res = yield from inner_async(wid)
    print("middle another outer_async %r : %r" % (wid,res))
    res += yield from inner_async(wid)
    print("end another outer_async %r : %r" % (wid,res))

  def inner_async(wid):
    print("start inner", wid)
    res1 = yield DummyIOFuture()
    print("middle inner %r: %s" % (wid,res1))
    res2 = yield DummyIOFuture()
    print("end inner %r: %s" % (wid,res2))
    return [res1, res2]

  class DummyIOFuture:
    _count = 0
    def wait(self):
      DummyIOFuture._count += 1
      return "some io %d" % DummyIOFuture._count