In cython you have many ways of managing a chunk of memory.

It is not always clear how you can transform one representation to another. Moreover it is difficult to remember if the transformation implies a copy. Some transformations are not safe since a raw pointer to python memory can be invalidated. For example, if it pointed to a bytearray that got relocated due to an increase in size.


Example code

from libc cimport string
from cpython cimport buffer, array
import array
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

cdef extern from "Python.h":
		object PyMemoryView_FromMemory(char *mem, Py_ssize_t size, int flags)
		object PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(buffer.Py_buffer* view)

# bytearray ==> memory_view (NO copy)
# bytes cannot be transformed to memviews. unless cython >= 0.28 (with const memviews)
cdef bytearray ba1 = bytearray(b'choco')
cdef char[:] mv1 = ba1
ba1[0] = b'z'
print(ba1, <bytes>mv1[0], len(mv1))

# bytearray/bytes ==> raw_ptr (NO copy unsafe)
cdef char* rp2 = ba1
cdef char* rp3 = b'choco'
ba1[0] = b'v'
print(<bytes>rp2[0], string.strlen(rp2), <bytes>rp3[0])

# memory_view ==> raw_ptr (NO copy, unsafe if underlying python array is relocated)
cdef char* rp1 = &mv1[0]
mv1[0] = b'x'
print(<bytes>rp1[0], string.strlen(rp1))

# memory_view ==> bytes/bytearray (COPY)
cdef object mv3 = memoryview(mv1) # cython slices are not real python memoryviews (NO copy)
cdef bytes by3 = mv3.tobytes()
mv1[0] = b't'
print(by3, mv3.tobytes(), mv1, mv3)

# raw_ptr ==> bytes/bytearray (COPY)
cdef bytes by1 = rp1 # only works if null terminated
cdef bytearray by2 = rp1[:5]
rp1[0] = b'y'
print(by1, by2)

# raw_ptr ==> memory_view (NO copy)
cdef object mv2 = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(rp1, 5, buffer.PyBUF_READ)
rp1[0] = b'w'
# Does this work with cython >= 0.28 ?
#cdef const char[:] mv2 = rp1[:5]


# array ==> memory_view (NO copy)
cdef array.array ar1 = array.array('i', [0,1,2,3])
cdef int[:] mv1 = ar1
ar1[0] = 111
print(mv1[0], len(mv1), ar1.tobytes())

# array ==> raw_ptr (NO copy unsafe)
cdef int* rp1 = <int*>
rp1[0] = 222

# memory_view ==> raw_ptr (NO copy unsafe)
cdef int* rp2 = <int*>&mv1[0]
mv1[0] = 333
print(rp2[0], mv1[0])

# memory_view ==> array (COPY)
cdef array.array ar2 = array.array(mv1.base.typecode, mv1) # mv1.base is the python array
ar2[0] = 444
print(ar2.tolist(), mv1[0])

# raw_ptr ==> memory_view (NO copy)
cdef buffer.Py_buffer raw_buf
cdef int flags = buffer.PyBUF_FORMAT | buffer.PyBUF_CONTIG
buffer.PyBuffer_FillInfo(&raw_buf, <object>NULL, rp1, sizeof(int) * 4, 0, flags)
raw_buf.itemsize = sizeof(int)
raw_buf.format = b'i'
raw_buf.ndim = 1
cdef Py_ssize_t shape = 4
raw_buf.shape = &shape
cdef object mv2 = PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(&raw_buf)
rp1[0] = 555
print(mv2[0], mv2.tobytes())

# raw_ptr ==> array (COPY)
cdef array.array ar3 = array.array('i', [])
array.extend_buffer(ar3, <char*>rp1, 4)
rp1[0] = 666


# python list/tuple <==> c array (COPY)
cdef list pl1 = [1,2,3]
cdef int[3] cl1 = pl1
cl1[0] = 666
cdef list pl2 = cl1
print(cl1, pl1, pl2)

# numpy array => memory_view (NO copy)
cdef np.ndarray np1 = np.zeros([4],
cdef long[:] mv1 = np1
np1[0] = 111
print(np1, mv1[0])

## numpy array ==> raw ptr (NO copy)
cdef long* rp1 = <long*>np.PyArray_DATA(np1)
np1[0] = 222
print(rp1[0], np1[0])

# raw ptr ==> numpy array (broken)
#cdef int shape = 4
#cdef object np2 = np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &shape, np.NPY_LONG, rp1)