It all started with an seemingly inocent ssh command :

ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' B 'ssh-add && nc %h %p'" C

Understanding what that command actually did took me a whole day.

Primer on SSH protocol

SSH is protocol has 3 components :


Simple tunneling

The following demonstrates how to tunnel both ways using SSH.

### local_host ###
ssh -R 8888:localhost:8888 -L 8889:localhost:8889 -T -N remote_host &
nc -l localhost 8888 &
nc localhost 8889

### remote_host ###
nc -l localhost 8889 &
nc localhost 8888


Be careful it is a trap ! IPv6

X11 server

The Xserver running on ssh client side must be invoked without -nolisten. Otherwise it will only accept connections on unix sockets.

This basically works using reverse tunneling. However, SSH must understand the X protocol to a certain degree.


Instead of using a TCP connection below SSH transport layer, the stdin/stdout of any program can be used. This is used to proxy ssh connections through a bastion host (or jump host) running on a different machine. 3 different ways to achieve the same technique :


Security characteristics

Authentication with ssh-agent

SSH private keys should be encrypted with a passphrase. This way they are stored encrypted on disk. ssh-agent is a convinience program to keep the unencrypted keys in memory for a given duration. The keys can later be used for several ssh sessions without user interaction. The ssh client can contact the ssh-agent daemon via environment vars :

ssh-agent never transmits unencrypted keys to ssh clients. Instead it answers authentication challenges for them.


ssh-agent traffic can be forwarded via reverse tunneling. This allows to keep all private keys on local_host even when using several interactive ssh sessions to jump across machines.


This is NOT the same setup as for ProxyCommand.

Forward agent vulnerability

An attaquer with root access on remote_host_1 can use the unix socket to contact the local_host agent. This will allow him to impersonate any user connected to remote_host_1 using agent forwading.

Mixing ForwardAgent, ssh-add and ProxyCommand

What does this command do ? ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -A remote_host_1 'ssh-add && nc %h %p'" remote_host_2


This can only work if keys are NOT passphrase protected. Otherwise ssh protocol wire data will contain garbage.

SOCKS proxying

SSH can act as a SOCKS proxy (-D option). A SOCKS proxy acts as an OSI layer 5 gateway. It can forward any protocol above TCP (ex: HTTP).

Aside from the SOCKS headers that indicate where the connection should be forwarded to, the upper layers are opaque to the proxy. For example, a SOCKS proxy will only see encrypted HTTPS traffic flow by.

Example with HTTP

# output:
ssh -v -D 1080 -T -N remote_host
curl --socks5 localhost
# output:


Note that the client application (here curl) MUST understand SOCKS. It needs to prepend the relevant SOCKS headers.